Jacques Attali, a writer, economist, advisor (Mitterrand) is a being of thought, an endless source of ideas. It is also a man of action, power and influence.
I read The meaning of things written by Jacques Attali and Stephanie Bonvicini.
Until the thirteenth century, the time we spent with a spouse was four to five years on average, partly because the mortality of women in childbirth. The love match is a very recent form of the relationship between man and women. In all societies, sexuality, since the dawn of time, was defined by prohibitions of cultural, ethical and organic.
the early twentieth century, we accepted the recognition of divorce, abortion, contraception, homosexuality recognized same-sex parenting. And sexuality is released.
We are on the verge of a huge transformation over again, a huge change: the acceptance of polygamy and polyandry, not in the sense of the past (the old polygamy was a form of affirmation of the familiarity male domination and the will of the leader who had women like you had a herd), but understood instead as the installation of the right to love simultaneously, for men as for women. The legal form is the "polyunion," recognizing that it is possible to love several people at once. The most advanced societies will doubtless one day to love multiple, simultaneous and transparent: two men living a relationship with a woman may live as a homosexual relationship between them. Today is also unlikely that gay marriage was in the late nineteenth century. Freedom, the supreme value, will not only be the freedom to choose one or one another but and another. We live increasingly in corporate networks, and the idea of belonging to a network where multiple mating are beginning to emerge. This will be the victory of the ephemeral, passenger, changing, the multiple. There will be strong resistance, as the company had a terrible time admitting the divorce. "
I listened to the show The Light Years Radio-Canada, on Sunday, we were interested in the generation Y and a young a girl said quite spontaneously: "We, in my gang of friends, everybody sleeps with everybody!" The right to love simultaneously is started, right here in Quebec! !
The plight of children is particularly difficult to adjust ... Stay tuned!
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