Friday, February 11, 2011

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Tahar Ben Jelloun, Genet and Giacometti

Jean Genet (1910-1986)

Throughout 2010, an anthology of events celebrated the centenary of the birth of Jean Genet. This book written by Tahar Ben Jelloun was published in 2010, Jean Genet, liar sublime.

After publishing an essay on Giacometti, Ben Jelloun, visited Giacometti's studio, moved and stored at the Centre Pompidou. He writes:

"When I found this place, I immediately thought of Genet; I looked where he posed for Giacometti. I imagined the two men face face, separated by just one or two meters, one capturing the soul of another to suggest the Then line after line on the sheet, until the face of it appears Genet suddenly like a pinhead. And then there is the unspeakable, the thoughts of one or the other, waiting time, time not dead, but time needed to reach the bottom of the soul. "

Genet Jelloun had told the malaise that had seized him by the throat when he found himself in this space so narrow, facing the man he admired so much and who would draw it. Genet added: "My eyes, my eyes I knew Giacometti was rummaging through it. His art seems to me to discover this secret wound of every and of all things, so it illuminates them. While drawing, he spoke of simple things, the beauty of a face, tobacco, the light of day. He taught me to watch the dust ... He was very handsome, wild beauty. "

And me, I see one and the other moved ...

" In a fire, between a Rembrandt and a cat, I would save the cat. "Alberto Giacometti


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