Forty days after Christmas, Candlemas two famous Jewish religious traditions: the purification of the mother after birth and that the presentation of the child to the temple. Here is the mother Mary and the Child Jesus.
Yes, pancakes, food land, have a spiritual origin ...! Small golden suns ... Announced Jesus as "Light for the Nations" by the sage, Simeon ...
Candlemas marks the end of Christmas and Provence, this is the day when they dismantled the crib installed two months earlier. Tradition dictated that we go to bless a candle and that it falls within the homes with candles lit. If it was extinguished before it was a bad omen! Otherwise, the housewife could make the sign of the Cross with the candle in front of each opening, door and window to protect the house from lightning and ... facilitate delivery to come.
Candlemas marks the end of Christmas and Provence, this is the day when they dismantled the crib installed two months earlier. Tradition dictated that we go to bless a candle and that it falls within the homes with candles lit. If it was extinguished before it was a bad omen! Otherwise, the housewife could make the sign of the Cross with the candle in front of each opening, door and window to protect the house from lightning and ... facilitate delivery to come.
Then it's time pancakes! For one cook, one holds in his hand a piece and the other, we blew the pancake in the pan. If it falls right in, it is a sign of wealth ...
past, then it slid to the inside part of the pancake that is rolled up and placed this one first pancake away (often at the top of a cupboard) until the next Candlemas. The pancake of the previous year was discarded, and the room given to a beggar.
Candlemas is also the time of the famous Provence
shuttles St Victor ( click for recipe), the name of the Abbey of Marseille, where the bishop blesses the candles (and shuttles!) February 2. Shaped boat , these cookies with orange blossom symbolize docking, in the Camargue, Saintes-Maries with Provençal tradition says they have given us the gospel.
Bon appetite , whatever your appetite!
And in any case, thanks to this rewarding reading and culture, you do not eat idiots this year!
[No, do not thank me: I like that ...!]
* Edict of February 13: For Madeleine reassure just send a comm '(and any other concerned parents), I said that children were alone at the stove that the time of the photo (... and really did not move !), a sticker indicating where to put his hands without being burned. And also, The cooking place was "secured" by a barrier of chairs to prevent the curious from coming too close. When he had to blow up his pancake, I held the handle of the pan and the child put his hand on mine ...
I never had any problems in years when I tried this experiment (very interesting reading at the ingredients / recipe team).
* Edict of February 13: For Madeleine reassure just send a comm '(and any other concerned parents), I said that children were alone at the stove that the time of the photo (... and really did not move !), a sticker indicating where to put his hands without being burned. And also, The cooking place was "secured" by a barrier of chairs to prevent the curious from coming too close. When he had to blow up his pancake, I held the handle of the pan and the child put his hand on mine ...
I never had any problems in years when I tried this experiment (very interesting reading at the ingredients / recipe team).
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