On 20 January, at night, it dropped a few flakes in Provence ...
The Montagnards and the Yankees have to laugh softly, but for us it's either magical or disastrous (depending on whether it is "young" or grumpy!).
I am more toward "young" (in spirit only !!!). So when we took the car last Sunday to go to Cassis and La Ciotat (for the Yankees, these are ports, so it is beside the sea!) I was very surprised to find still snowy slopes there. And I quickly searched for a place to park, to go WALK IN THE SNOW!
I am more toward "young" (in spirit only !!!). So when we took the car last Sunday to go to Cassis and La Ciotat (for the Yankees, these are ports, so it is beside the sea!) I was very surprised to find still snowy slopes there. And I quickly searched for a place to park, to go WALK IN THE SNOW!
was a very strange sensation to see the distant sea, which sparkled in the bright sunlight, and have to crystal silver eyes that sparkled as much ...! And all this under a pure blue sky ...
Hey, if you do not believe me, I'll put a picture of me :
What do you mean you do not recognize ME?!
What do you mean you do not see SEA ?!
Pff! never satisfied (e)!
Well, and there, you know me better?
Well, like I said I young mind, I really enjoyed to hear my footsteps in the snow crunchy, to let the sun slip down my cheeks, make a mini battle of snowballs
and playing with Mr. Icicle !
You know?
Here, I present to you (but he could not play with us for long!):
Go, do not be sad: Will there another weekend!
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