Roussan Jacques (1930-1995)
When Jacques died of Roussan a heart attack after his shovel, in stormy weather, a shock wave propagated in the city and in our hearts. A woman artist, Francine Allard, wrote an article in the press, here are some excerpts.
"The disease has felled the giant Jacques Roussan. His stentorian voice shouted out that the cons Arts exploiters, against mediocrity, against the disease that racked, finished ringing. Jacques Roussan left quietly. He was a man of great friendships and great failures too, but he loved deeply and sundry. He was, as I like to say dinosaurs like him, a big brute with violets in her stomach. Jacques de Roussan, we miss you. The artists will cry when they realized the void left by your departure. I thought you were immortal as your radio voice reassured us. Your hands as wide left ours heat-treated. Until you've loved ...."
February 12 was his birthday and every year I confuses the mind a bit, thinking this man away for so long and so powerfully lived my life the many memories come flooding back, always more comforting .
took me many years to repeat a true "yes" commitment to a man. Thank you for your loving presence, my dear Guy.
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