Friday, December 31, 2010

067b 1234 Pl2303 Windows Treiber

* 2011 ...!!! Soon

A little festive and bright with some photos of the Cours Mirabeau in Aix-en-Provence, dressed for Christmas a few days ...

I like the magic this time ... I still have my eyes of a child!
Hey, it's a good idea of hope, this:
let us always keep our eyes a little of our childhood awe!

and finally:
Good first day!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Are The Prices For Moncler's At Woodberry

* 2011 ...

you who have seen the light in my
who have entered ...
you, friends or strangers,
I wish you well end the year ...
with friends or alone with your screen
but with the hope at heart ...
hope of a better tomorrow ...
the urge to take a new road ...
building projects , crazy or calm,
but turned to the to-come !

Here are the vows that they say in Provence ,
around Wheat planted in Santa Barbara,
symbol happiness and prosperity :
[A year is coming! (Next year)
And if we are not more
that we do no less!]

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Basketball Songs To Run Out To

* N. .. as "Snow"

(Beautiful voice and beautiful song ... nostalgic)

(I'll share some of my snowy fir ...)

No, it does not snow here (though a few flakes were twirled on Christmas Day)! I know that in some areas, snow disrupts the biting cold, and winter can be terrible ... But I found in my "Dictionary in the clouds" these few words:

I went to school on foot, nose in the air, the heart Happy: it snow! ... Finally!
But I dare not say I am also delighted that my students, adults do not like snow! Adults need to complain about the cold and damp, difficult to drive the car and heating problems ...

Here in Provence, everyone is totally distraught at the lowest flake: it's not used! But children, happy, found gestures of yesteryear ...
Gestures time when, in the garden scintillating, we knew marvel crystal star ... Then we went back out of breath, surprised by all this whiteness unreal ... and they passed the door of the house with the pleasure of feeling her cheeks the surprise of the fireplace before which we could then enjoy gingerbread and chocolate ... Fragrances of cinnamon and hot milk ...

Toddlers, which is the first "real" snow, can not believe their eyes: "Ooooh, lady! The court, she is well ironed ...!!!"

(1987 ... it's quite old!)
* * *

And as they say in Provence
when the year is almost complete:
She is not beautiful my crib ...?!

What If I Drink Scope

* Thanks ...

[if you click on the underlined name, you will go to those who have a blog or site ...]
... my JoséBell e warm to his ideas that make me want to work up to 62 years! ;
... to Jack (and Alter Ego!) for her smiles and tender words of comfort!
... to Chriss for his kind wishes for Christmas "live" from his sunny island!
... to Mistinguette and MimiJR for their enthusiasm! ♫ ♪ ♫
... to Barbara for his friendly greeting party and his thoughts regularly! ♥
... and all copinautes for trade friendly!

******* * *******

But also more importantly,
thank you to my friend Nicole to be there!
Artist of his hands and his heart ...
Thanks for the surprises that you've created for my birthday!
[yes, I know: I one month delay here!]

Nicole is a fairy: his computer, it converts paper and fabrics wonders!
Here I discovered in beautiful small gift packages: a bookmark snail, a small book "retro" (pages printed watermark like the cover!), An adorable pouch with soft colors and sandblasted cinnamon "to fall down" ...!

Remembrance Saturday flaky when we braved the weather to go to the craft market Christmas Gardanne ... It was freezing but there, we met friendly people with whom we spoke, smiled, exchanged ...
Thanks to the creative Grey Gustavian (see!) With whom we spent a very long time and that made me a super discount for this bag and many giant original (and in a pretty gift tag retro!). If you go there, Madam-I-dont-forget-the-name (Carolina?), Know that I wore for the first fast enough to go do my shopping, it is very solid!

These are all events that shape our way throughout the year,
even if one is alone (e) often
these meetings that give flavor to today .............

Monday, December 27, 2010

Average Price To Replace Starter In A Car

Christmas is sooo chic!!! free QP 3 by Marie

Christmas is sooo chic! ! Free QP 3 by Mary
available here:
swallowable here:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Boot Stretcher/canada

Christmas is sooo chic! Free QP

Ohohoh here's a little Christmas present! A QP made with my kit "Christmas is so chic!"

Ohohohoh here's a little Christmas gift, a QP Made with my kit CHRISTMAS IS SOOO CHIC.

Christmas is sooo chic!!! free QP
available here:
swallowable here:

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Women Masterbation Public

* It's been a month since ...

I must say

to several people!

Good ... Now I'm on vacation,
I may be able FINALLY do ...?!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Missed Period With Watery Mucous

Christmas is sooo chic! Free QP

Here is a free QP for you! Made with my kit "Christmas is so chic."

Here's a free QP Made with my latest kit: "Christmas is so chic." Hope You'll like it!

available here:
download link

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Culinare Rocket Chef Instructions

Christmas is sooo chic!

Here is my latest freebie! Free for a limited time, so fast!!

Lattestation Here's my kit, hope you like it! To test it you-can download the add-on for free!

my pages:

The add-on

my page:

available here:
download link

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lomita 010116mat. Number 128401

COCOTOUNETTE offers a greeting card made with my part of the Christmas magic kit

available here:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dialog Of A Performance Evaluation

QP du Kit à l'Abordage!!!

Here Megakit "In Collision "Organized by the Forum Digiscrap Party
The Global preview
And my QP done with the part of Sandy Crea
A download here:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Coloidial Silver Vitiligo

Alpha Pluie d'Automne

Here are the last 2 updates my birthday gifts! Hurry this because it ends tomorrow!!
Alpha autumn rain

Alphas autumn rains No. 2

available here: