Friday, June 26, 2009

Psa Ideas About School

Michael Jackson in video games

Today "The King of Pop" has left us and I wanted to make a small tribute by recalling its various interventions in the world of video games.

Here are some titles that Michael Jackson made an appearance more or less noticeable ...

1. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, released in 1990.
His most famous appearance in the game from the movie "Moonwalker". Few remember this game (I had played there once in arcade), but I think it was pretty good for its time. A replay then.

2. Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2, released in 2000
Ready to Rumble for Dreamcast allowed you to beat you with Michael Jackson in this boxing game completely crazy.

3. Space Channel Five: Part 2, released in 2003
Always on Dreamcast, MJ plays an alien in this game completely crazy dance.

4. GTA: Vice City (music Billie Jean and Want to Be Startin 'Somethin'), released in 2002
The Music of Michael Jackson was available in a radio GTA Vice City that was in the 80s.

5. Guitar Hero: World Tour (song Beat it playable) released in 2008

Monday, June 15, 2009

Effects Of Sterling Silver

Release Date Bruno - Sacha Baron Cohen Borat After come back even more crazy

You thought we had reaches the height of vulgar, Thrash, and comedy with Borat. But Sacha Baron Cohen wants to prove that not with his new film inspired by one of his characters: BRUNO

The Release Date Bruno cinema is July 22, 2009.

To give you fancy checking out the Bruno movie trailer here:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Calories In A Braums Fruit And Yogurt Swirl

Hitler did not like the new iPhone 3 GS: The Fall of the iPhone 3G Release Date

Excellent parody about the new iPhone 3 GS. The principle: Take the scene of Hitler's wrath of the film "The Downfall" and replace only subtitles that have absolutely nothing to do with the film.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why Do Cats Make Patty Cakes


GO PSP (which will not replace the PSP will also continue to be marketed) has an official release date.

is the first in October 2009 that PSP GO will be available worldwide. The console will be sold at Price € 249

This UMD drive no longer use and would have opted for a sliding screen. The console will feature a 16GB hard drive. With a smaller screen (3.8 inches instead of 4.3), it will be lighter and thinner than the PSP that we know now and will be equipped with a sliding module includes the keys of the machine A bit like a mobile phone screen slider.

Other important news, from the launch, more than 100 games are available for download.

Hotpoint Aquarius Dishwasher Button Flashes

The Release Date Beatles Rock Band + video Video Project

THE time of E3 and Microsoft's conference, "The Beatles Rock Band" was presented and the release date was confirmed.

is September 9, 2009 (09/09/2009) that will release The Beatles Rock Band

A first video that shows the different eras of the cult. It looks really good.

Monday, June 1, 2009

School Life In The 1970

Natal Xbox 360: Microsoft has found its Wii-Killer Release date

At its E3 conference, Microsoft announced a new accessory for the Xbox 360: a camera capable of recognizing the movement of your body .

It shows a clear response from Microsoft to Nintendo's Wii and a desire to reach more casual. But not only. Indeed, it would not be a simple gadget, this item is presented as a new approach to video games, it is presented under the name "Project Natal. He will be able to recognize your face, your voice and respond to your movements to return to play or to control the menu of your console.

If the project takes up all his promises then it will be a Wii to power 10 with graphics of the Xbox 360!

Metal Core Scooter Wheels Orange Orange

Toy Story 3 Trailer + 1st Toy Story 3

Here is the first video that announces the release of Toy Story 3.

The next Pixar movie studios that will follow "The High" (released July 29, 2009) is scheduled for June 18, 2010 United States and probably in the same period for France.